Zhenlai County Momoge National Nature Reserve





It is located in Zhenlai County, Baicheng City, Jilin Province and takes up 144,000 hectares in total, including more than 80% wetland. It is the largest wetland reserve in Jilin Province, ranks the first place by comprehensive evaluation index of wetland, is known as “kidney of west Jilin”, occupies an important status in the global wetland, and possesses a variety of salient features including endangering of rare species, biological diversity, species representation, and importance of original habitats. There are 17 categories of birds, including 55 families, 295 species. There are ten species of national grade-A protected birds, over 40 species of grade-B protected birds, and 15 crane species, such as red-crowned cranes, Grus leucogeranus, Ciconia boyciana, and Aquila chrysaetos. Therefore, it is one of reserves with the most crane species in the nation. The number of Grus leucogeranus hits over 3,000 in the world and the number of cranes that migrate and stay in the reserve annually is over 2,000.