"Jixiang code"-- health QR code for epidemic prevention in Jilin province

2020-03-11    JL.gov

What is "Jixiang code"?  
Jixiang code is a personal health QR code launched by the office of “Digital Jilin” construction leading group for well coordinating the work of COVIE-19 epidemic prevention and control. With the personal health code, citizens are able to go to public places, commute via public transport vehicles and do other activities across Jilin province. Based on the code verification result of self-declared data, a user's health status is distinguished with four colors of green, yellow, orange and red.
A green code indicates the holder is in good condition after the epidemic prevention data verification via national government service platform. A holder granted a green code can pass at check stations according to the relevant provisions during the epidemic period.
A yellow code indicates the holder is in good condition but his/her on-site body temperature is abnormal (temperature ≥ 37.3 ℃) after the epidemic prevention data verification via national government service platform. If the holder’s body temperature returns to normal, the color of health code will switch to green after temperature measurement registration.
An orange code indicates the holder is a close contact with confirmed or suspected cases or under quarantine after the epidemic prevention data verification via national government service platform. If the holder has no symptom of COVID-19, the color of health code will switch to green after quarantine and code verification.          
A red code indicates the holder is a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 case after the epidemic prevention data verification via national government service platform. The holder must be quarantined and treated according to the relevant provisions of Jilin province during the epidemic period.
How to apply for a "Jixiang code"?

Step 1, Search a mini app called "Jilin Provincial Online Government Service Hall" via WeChat. 
▼If you have not registered the "Jilin Provincial Online Government Service Hall" mini app, you can long press the QR code and enter the registration page directly.▼
▼If you have registered the "Jilin Provincial Online Government Service Hall" mini app already, you can long press the QR code below to enter the homepage and then enter your username and password to log in.▼   
Step 2, Click the "人人有码、码上行动" column on the homepage of "Jilin Provincial Online Government Service Hall" and then click the "查看吉祥码" to get your personal health QR code.