Shulan: focus on developing beef cattle industry


At the beginning of 2021, Shulan city set a goal of selling 190,000 beef cattle with an output value of 4 billion yuan this year. Last year, Shulan sold 177,000 beef cattle with an output value of 3.6 billion yuan, ranking sixth in the province and first in Jilin city.
The "full participation of villagers and household-based breeding" mode of "small scale and large group" has been fully introduced in the city. To data, 642 households have applied for small business loans for breeding cows, which can add 1,284 cows. Shulan aims to add 4,000 cows during the second quarter and strives to build 10 standardized breeding farms for fattening cattle this year, with 20,000 fattening cattle and more than 10,000 cows.
At present, Shulan is discussing the ten thousand beef cattle industrialization project with Shenyang Hefeng, Dehui Desheng and other large-scale animal husbandry companies. The main construction contents include basic cow breeding farm and fattening cattle farm, feed processing plant and slaughterhouse. The city will guide leading beef cattle businesses to speed up scientific and technological innovation and will make efforts to foster one provincial-level leading enterprise, one cold chain logistics center, one registered pollution-free product, two e-commerce product outlets and two entity stores, as well as two scientific and technological achievements transformation practice stations by the end of this year.
In terms of financial support, Shulan has invested 20 million yuan to set up a guarantee fund, and the bank has provided 200 million yuan of small business loans for farmers to raise cows. Borrowers can enjoy full financial discount. To data, 25.68 million yuan of loans have been issued. For large-scale cattle enterprises, the municipal government has set up 10 million yuan of risk compensation.